Once your parcel has left our warehouse you will receive an e-mail with shipping information. Depending on the shipping alternative you have selected, the parcel will be delivered to your home address or to your nearest pickup point. Please note that the postal service can choose to deliver the parcel to the nearest pick-up point.
In the confirmation e-mail, you will find all relevant information regarding your parcel and how to track it. If you did not receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours after your purchase, please check your junk mail and contact our customer service if you did not receive it.
Please note that delivery times may be longer than usual during campaigns and promotions.
Track your parcel
You can track your order here: IDEAL Tracking
Please note that parcels sent with Deutsche Post need to be registered at the logistic centre in Frankfurt before any further tracking information can be provided, which usually takes 2-3 days. This means that you do not have to worry if no information is showing the first days after your order has been sent.
If it has been more than 14 days since you placed your order and you still have not received it, please contact contact us by using the chat button in the lower right corner.